I have a rss feed and an atom feed, if you have a reader that supports them.
You can also view the list of posts I have by their tags here.
February 08, 2025: Obsidian Publish Directory Enumeration - Hidden Obsidian pages aren't truly hidden
September 29, 2024: NixOS Public Unix Server - I have been building a NixOS powered Public Unix Server
June 05, 2024: hypervisor with cockpit-machine - How to install cockpit-machine on a Debian machine, with network config and zfs.
March 15, 2024: Adding SWAP to a Debian Machine - Guide to remind myself how to add swap to Debian machines.
February 01, 2024: EVE Virtual Environment Introduction - Why I am moving off of Proxmox, and what I am building to replace it.
January 23, 2024: Strange M2 UTM Crypto Bug - UTM emulation bug leads to failed debian installation.
November 05, 2023: Bad Apple (Inc.) - How Apple took away a lot of money and time from me for getting a new iPhone
October 30, 2023: Hello NixOS! - My first dive into Nix with NixOS.
October 21, 2023: VNC Proxying for the Cloud - How I am proxying VNC for Eve
September 17, 2023: Network Latency and CPU - It's not DNS, it's your CPU
September 10, 2023: Installing Debian From Any Linux Distro - How I installed Debian Linux with an Arch live system.
August 14, 2023: August Server Upgrades (5 Hours of Dread) - How a two hour Linux server upgrade turned into five hours.
August 01, 2023: Hello IndieWeb! - My website now supports some IndieWeb protocols!
July 31, 2023: I'll Read It - I'll read your blog, send them over.
July 31, 2023: Why I Still Use Github - With the usage of Github being controversial now, why am I still using it?
July 28, 2023: Website Updates - An update on my website, what has changed, what's new, and future plans.
July 28, 2023: A Rant on Safari - How I lost all my tabs on safari.
July 26, 2023: How to Build Your Own ISP - A guide on creating your own ISP.
July 25, 2023: You Only Need a Tablet for Computer Science - How did I complete a year of computer science coursework with just an iPad?
July 23, 2023: How This Website Is Overengineered - Why I use rust for this website, and the infrastructure and deployment process behind it.
July 19, 2023: Hello World! - My first post for this blog, and the motivation behind it.