progressive pride flag


I have a rss feed and an atom feed, if you have a reader that supports them.

  • Jun 2024: I will be joining the Stevens CIO Student Advisory Committee as the Vice President of Infrastructure starting this fall.

  • Apr 2024: I will be joining the PEERING BGP Testbed at Columbia University this summer!

  • Apr 2024: My security advisory for Authelia has been published by Github and the Go Security Team GO-2024-2744 GHSA-x883-2vmg-xwf7.

  • Mar 2024: I will be joining the Stevens Student Managed Investment Fund as a Quantitative Analyst in the development team starting this fall!

  • Mar 2024: I have been reelected as the VP Tech of Blueprint@Stevens.

  • Oct 2023: I attended and gave a talk at the third PaSh workshop at Brown.

  • Sep 2023: I started my second undergraduate year for computer science!

  • Jul 2023: I will be joining Blueprint@Stevens’s executive board as VP of Technology starting fall of 2023.

  • Jun 2023: try(1) makes it to the top of and hackernews, and surpasses 4000 stars on Github.

  • Jun 2023: I was able to go to Brown University to work on try with the rest of the team thanks to Professor Vasilakis!

  • May 2023: I attended NJPLS at UPenn!

  • May 2023: I joined Blueprint@Stevens on the infrastructure team.

  • Apr 2023: I started my research assistantship with Professor Greenberg on parallelizing shell scripts.

  • Apr 2023: I am now the secretary of the executive board at the Stevens Linux User Group!

  • Oct 2022: I joined the Castle Point Anime Convention website group to maintain our website and work on internal tooling.

  • Sep 2022: I started my first undergraduate year at Stevens Institute of Technology.